30 Day Live Training with Our Coaches
Not sure where to start?

Select our One-on-One Intro Session - and the entire cost may be applied to future services! As we enter our 25th year in the industry, and our 10th year of distance-based coaching, we are confident we can help you.

All members must meet minimum general health requirements, or will be required to obtain a physician's release to proceed with any physical training portion of the program. Training days will not be counted until all paperwork is completed. This generally takes 3-7 days. If you are deemed ineligible for training, all costs, minus a $75 processing fee, and cost of any items provided to you that are not returned, will be refunded to you or may be applied to other courses or products.

Renewals are made within your member area here.

New Members who know what they want:

Peak Functional Fitness - Individualized Fitness Plan
30 Days of workouts and nutritional goals, skincare and meal replacements crafted exclusively for you, with daily coach interaction. First Month includes initial fees for supplies and setup (heart rate monitors, body composition tools, etc.). Renewal standard rate: $3150, renew within your member area.

NEW Peak Functional Fitness 30-Day Challenge - Click to learn more about our pre-crafted 30-Day workouts! Select from our size/strength, weight-loss/endurance, maintenance/stamina workouts for the month with game theory based coaching at reduced prices! You still receive a coach and

Limited Time EXCLUSIVE:

We released our first DVD "The Full Stretch" on 1 December. EXTENDED: Order it by Dec 31, before it's available to subscribers ONLY.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Crystal Spring Haney, CMT

Our Certified Master Trainer with additional qualifications in Strength, Endurance and Nutrition. She oversees all coaches and completes most initial training months.
Your Email Address:
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
$3789.00 (10% OFF)
$75 (regularly $150)
Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

The Full Stretch DVD: Add on the DVD that helps keep you limber, wherever you are! For just 29.95 (shipping included), receive the stretching program that I use daily. INCLUDED in our Initial month packages, but pick up another for a friend or family member. Next shipment: 3 January 2021

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